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FISETIN, que puede aumentar la longevidad, protege las neuronas de enfermedades relacionadas con la edad,  y apoyar un envejecimiento saludable. * 


Se ha demostrado que la fisetina regula una serie de vías (p. Ej., Función antioxidante y mitocondrial) que están implicadas en el deterioro relacionado con la edad  en  salud del cerebro .  Un mecanismo por el cual Fisetin podría proteger contra las enfermedades degenerativas del cerebro es  activar ciertos factores de transcripción como  ese  aumentar los niveles celulares de glutatión, un  antioxidante celular clave que tiene  efectos protectores sobre las células nerviosas .  La fisetina protege las células nerviosas del estrés oxidativo . La muerte oxidativa es uno de los muchos factores asociados con el deterioro cognitivo, el accidente cerebrovascular y la enfermedad de Parkinson . Además, Fisetin limita la acumulación de compuestos nocivos (tau fosforilada) que se acumulan en el cerebro . Fisetin es un suplemento potencialmente útil para  Disminuir la inflamación en la microglía.  - células inmunes que ejercen efectos neurotóxicos y a menudo se activan  en condiciones neurodegenerativas 
Cada lote de  FISETIN  se ha verificado de forma independiente que tiene una pureza de al menos el 99%, sin niveles peligrosos de metales pesados o microorganismos. 

FISETIN 500 mg (30 cápsulas) - 500 mg por cápsula Certificado 99%

  • Fisetin is a rare product that acts on three key processes associated with aging: the increase in senescent cells, inactivation of the autophagy process, and the decline in neural communication. People looking to combat the aging process often turn to fisetin due to its well documented advantages.

    How Senescent Cells Damage the Body and How Senotherapy Works

    In 2014, there was a major scientific advance in the fight against aging: researchers identified totally depleted cells in the tissues of individuals over 40 years old.

    Spread throughout the body’s tissues, these so-called senescent cells are defective, unable to fulfill their function. And, although they no longer work properly, they are not eliminated from the body and thus accumulate pathologically in the milieu, according to research.

    Uncommon in young people, these senescent cells increase with age, particularly in adipose tissue, skeletal muscle, blood vessels, the brain, the kidneys and skin.

    Unfortunately, senescent cells are not content to simply stay-put; they also impede the activity of neighboring healthy cells by continually releasing pro-inflammatory substances (IL-1, IL-6 and IL-8), vesicles and insoluble proteins (fibronectin, collagen) in the extracellular milieu.

    But these substances don’t just signal to other cells the advanced state of deterioration they’re in; they affect the function of nearby healthy cells. And numerous studies have shown the number of senescent cells in the body is directly linked to the aging process and the development of age-related diseases.

    Even a low level of senescent cells is enough to wreak havoc in healthy tissue and trigger a number of age-related health problems: systemic inflammation, arthritis, atherosclerosis, chronic diseases, sarcopenia, cataracts, insulin resistance, vascular hyporeactivity and more.

    That brings us to senotherapy, an early-stage research field looking into the development of therapeutic agents and techniques that will target cellular senescence. Fisetin supplements are one of the options that show great promise in combating the negative effects of senescent cells.

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