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NMN repone el NAD de su cuerpo, cada vez que lo toma. A diferencia de otros suplementos, NMN ingresa directamente al torrente sanguíneo y se activa en un período corto de tiempo. Algunos posibles beneficios anti-envejecimiento incluyen:


  • Mayor elasticidad de la piel
  • Densidad ósea mejorada
  • Función muscular mejorada
  • Menos arrugas
  • Reparación de ADN
  • Incrementar el rendimiento de la actividad


El mononucleótido de nicotinamida, o NMN, es un nucleótido que actúa como precursor del NAD +, una coenzima que puede aumentar la longevidad, proteger las neuronas de enfermedades relacionadas con la edad y apoyar un envejecimiento saludable. *


NMN (mononucleótido de nicotinamida) - Polvo puro, 1 KG

  • Austinootropics NMN powder is made of  99+ % β-Nicotinamide Mononucleotide, making it one of the highest quality and purest on the market. With each production we make sure it is thoroughly third-party tested on purity, heavy metals and pesticides. Our NMN powder comes in serving sizes of 30, 60 and 90 servings (when taking 500mg per serving). and comes with a handy scope to measure your desired dose. Buy NMN Powder Today!

    Fast Dissolving & Absorption

    Our NMN powder is ready to be taken sublingually, which is known to provide the fastest supplement absorption. Taking NMN powder sublingually provides an instant absorption of the supplement into the bloodstream.

    Impurity free NMN powder

    To assure that our Nicotinamide Mononucleotide powder is free of harmful substances like heavy metals, pesticides, and endotoxins, we put it through a series of rigorous quality analyses. To guarantee that the NMN powder you buy is of the highest possible quality, we provide independent third-party testing for purity and endotoxin levels.

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